
The growth of any business requires attention and precise implementation of proven standards to provide better quality services for any company. Therefore, Paya Tijarat Boozarjomehr Company has taken steps to implement and obtain the ISO 9001 certificate in management and service quality from TUV Europe to improve the quality of its services.
One of the key elements of success in any organization is customer satisfaction with the organization, its services, and products. Therefore, it is essential that customer satisfaction be monitored and evaluated.
The information obtained through monitoring and measuring customer satisfaction can help identify opportunities for improving strategies, products, services, processes, and valuable features of the organization from the customer’s perspective. Such improvements can reinforce customer trust and lead to other benefits, which are in line with the organizational goals.
Therefore, Paya Tijarat Boozarjomehr Company has obtained the ISO 10004 standard for customer satisfaction to establish effective processes for monitoring and measuring the satisfaction of its customers.

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